Climate Action Standard.
Real emissions reductions, real climate action.
The Climate Action Standard provides independent verification that an organisation has legitimately measured, balanced and will reduce their carbon footprint. This certificate enables businesses to make a net zero, carbon neutral or carbon positive claim. Businesses can then confidently communicate their climate status to all stakeholders.
The standard is industry leading in both integrity and impact, adhering to the highest standards based on the following key principles:
Certified organisations are required to measure and publicly disclose the following annually to comply:
Emissions inventory.
Emissions reduction goals, and tracking.
This is the first certificate in New Zealand that requires emissions reduction for companies. Business’s must make a minimum of 3% emissions reduction per year averaged over three years for certificate renewal.
Sustainability efficacy metrics must be disclosed. Breakdown of spending via categories of auditing costs, emissions reduction initiatives and removals.
Designed for maximum climate impact. The process involves market-leading providers who are lean and can deliver at speed, while supporting NZ’s highest integrity emissions assessment and carbon credits:
The certificate requires the highest quality New Zealand native forest removals from the Emissions Trading Scheme to be used for balancing emissions.
Maximum efficacy, 80% of funds from carbon credits go towards the project, this is the highest rate in New Zealand.
The standard is verified by independent parties, ensuring complete transparency:
A collective of independents conduct emissions scoping, auditing, reductions planning, and removals acquisition. This not only keeps cost low so that maximum funds can go to climate action, but it ensures an open book methodology.
Emissions are third-party audited to the highest globally recognised international standards*.
By engaging with Climate Action Standard Limited, organisations will be guided step by step through the process as follows:
1. Emissions scoping and assessment in partnership with CarbonCanary.
2. Independent verification of emissions inventory through an ISO 14064-1* auditor.
3. Emissions reductions plan development.
4. Acquisition of NZ Native forest carbon removals. This includes customised selection of regions and connection to local landowners so that organisations can see their investment and share the story with stakeholders.
5. Issue of Climate Action Standard including Company and Product brand stamps.
Note: Businesses can claim carbon neutrality through this certification, however if emissions are removed by 120% or more, a claim of carbon positive by that incremental % can be claimed
* ISO14064: 2018 - Part 1 (ISO), Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Standard (GHGP-CP) Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Standard (GHGPVCS), the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) and the Science Based Targets Initiative.